John 5th December 2019

Shelley Lindley Dear John, I’m not sure if you’ll currently be picking up emails, but I was so sorry to receive such sad news last week about your Dad. I had heard he’d been taken unwell, but like everyone I still wasn’t quite prepared when I heard he had lost his battle. He was always such a pleasure to work with, and always so very kind and supportive of me on site. We kept in touch over the last few years – mostly via social media, and he was always just as caring and thoughtful as the years went by. I loved – and continue to love - his photography, and it was talking about that shared interest that was often a welcome relief from the stresses of site life – even though I know just how much he enjoyed work! I know that there is nothing that can be said to make his loss any easier, but I hope there is some comfort in knowing just how loved Mike was, and how welcome a sight it was to see his name on any project that came up, because you just new it was going to be a good one. I have been kindly forwarded the details for Mike’s celebration next week and am going to do my utmost to be there. If I am unable to change some tricky commitments then please do know that you will all be in my thoughts all day. Your email was lovely and you are right, Mike would have found it hilarious that there is construction work happening – and would no doubt have a few things to say about how it’s being undertaken! I know we’ve said it many times, but if you find yourself with any time in the New Year, it would be lovely to try and catch up. Take care, and hopefully I’ll get the chance to speak to you next week,